Sunday, May 31, 2009

Old Faithful...

Sunday found us trying to figure out how on earth we are going to recover from the jet lag when we get home. We were eating brunch at 2:00 in the afternoon! That would be 4:00 Flat Gap time!

Old Faithful was about an hour’s drive from the campground. Seeing it live is way better than watching it online. We’d been watching the live feed online for several weeks before we left on vacation, and I was a bit nervous because the kids were not very impressed after the first 100 times or so that we watched it. But all the kids said they were glad we came to see it live.
It’s funny, because even though Harold & I were here for our honeymoon 20 years ago, I can’t honestly say I really remember very much of Yellowstone at all. I guess I wasn’t watching much of the scenery, huh? I DO remember Harold telling me every so often to get my nose out of my books and watch the scenery. I’ve always loved to read when I travel.

A conversation William overheard yesterday was interesting to me. He came to the RV saying, “Boy, Mom, I bet you’d’ve liked to have talked to this one lady I heard.”

“Oh,” I said. “What did she say?”

“Well, she was talking to this younger couple. She told them, ‘You sure came to Yellowstone at the right time in your life. You don’t have kids yet to drag around to slow you down and to try to keep up with,’” William told me.

“What do you think I’d’ve said to her?” I asked, kinda’ knowing in the back of my mind what my answer to her might’ve been, had she actually been including me in her conversation.

William knowingly said, “You’d have told her it was BETTER to come with your kids.”

What a smart boy, that William. Seeing and experiencing this trip, all of it, with and through the eyes of our children has been so much fun. Indeed, the excitement and wonder I see in their eyes every time they see or learn something new and interesting makes it all such a deeper and richer experience for Harold and me.

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