Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Spring Has Sprung!!!

Here on our little homestead, spring has sprung in a big way...well, maybe not so big yet.  In fact, everything is still pretty small...but that's the big news!

Our cauliflower, broccoli, and tomatoes are all beginning to "spring" to life.

Nine tiny puppies waiting for new homes.  They can't wait to make some little boy or girl giggle with glee.  I love how they pile up in a cute bundle of wiggly warmth!

Spring brings eggs from our happy hen, Lucky.  She was the only one who escaped the pillaging and plundering of the coops by the chicken-dog bandits back in the fall, thus the name "Lucky."  We're lucky too.  She's a faithful layer of the best brown eggs around and we're going to be adding some coop-mates for her soon.

The handsome rooster below is "John."  He's the nervous, hen-pecked father of our hopefully soon-to-be-chicks.  John and Erma are John Wesley's golden-laced Polish chickens.  He bought them last year and they are really gorgeous.  (Well, a bit eccentric-looking, perhaps, but very pretty, nonetheless.)  I love hearing John's cock-a-doodle-doo every morning!  It's so homey.

Here is sweet Erma.  We were hoping she'd go broody on us, and we think she has.  She laid a clutch of about 14 eggs and a few days ago she became very much a homebody, rarely leaving her nestbox, except to eat and steal the occasional worm from John.  So, hopefully we'll have a few chicks in a few weeks.  What could be more spring-like than new chicks???

1 comment:

Mrs. Adams said...

Your pictures and bits and pieces of your little farm just make me crazy....wanting to get outside and do some of that stuff!!! Your little bundles of seedlings are so earthy...and I just love the idea of having chicks!!!!
Your one blessed you!!!