Friday, April 2, 2010

Things I'm Thankful For Today...

The Lamb of God who shed His blood for our sins, and the pleasure of sharing the story with my family.

A true servant-leader husband, who leads his family with dignity and serves with humility

The sweet look of happiness on a little girl's face as her Daddy tells (and shows) her how much he loves her.

The pure joy on a little boy's face that tells me even though he doesn't understand most things, he sure understands that he's loved!

The promise of provision.

New buds on the trees.

Strong boys who aren't afraid of hard work.  (But really...they should be afraid of borrowing Daddy's boots.  Those are some big shoes to fill, literally AND figuratively!)

Subliminal messages I can send my kids even while gardening.  :)

Happy Easter everyone!

1 comment:

Mrs. Adams said...

Love your passover neat!!! I loved it...very nice...I especially love the messaged... :)