Monday, April 12, 2010

Are You Chicken????

Our family spent Friday and Saturday at Trade Days.  We took the motorhome with the trailer behind it to bring home whatever struck our fancy.  There is an area close to the sales area where we were able to park the RV and we could walk back and forth as we wanted. I wish you could see the wagon John Wesley's pulling--piled high with various cages ready for critter-buyin'.  Lena's pulling another wagon "just in case".

We went with the intention of getting some coop-mates for Lucky. But, it took all the will-power we had not to come home with a million and three other fun things and animals.  Jared begged me to take a picture of him with this cute little pony.  He had been petting it, but when it lifted up its head, Jared got scared!

Isn't she so funny?  I love the lopsided comb and the piercing eyes!  We thought we'd just get a flock of Rhode Island Reds or White Rocks, since they're both good layers, but when I saw her, I had to have her.  After that we threw conventional logic to the wind (we do that kind of often) and got a variety of breeds.

This is one of the roosters we got.  We also got a Buff Orpington roo.  They're both so handsome--well, that is if you think roosters are handsome!  For those who care...(does anybody really care???) the laying hens we got were Aracaunas, White Rock/Aracauna mixes, Barred Rock, Buff Orpingtons, and the funny girl with the crooked comb is one of the Light Brown Leghorns. 

We found a good deal on baby chicks, and decided, "Why NOT?"  So we brought a few of those home, too.  Again, we got a variety.  After all, it's the spice of life, and it keeps my egg bowl colorful!  (I'll show you what I mean in a minute!)

When we got them home, we fixed up a brooder using a baby pool.  Aren't they so cute?  I love to hear them cheep-cheeping. 

See, here's my colorful egg bowl. Aracaunas lay the bluish colored eggs and the pink egg in the middle, then the white and barred rocks lay the brown, and the brown leghorns lay white ones (but I don't have any of them in my bowl yet--I did yesterday, though). We thought it was funny that the WHITE rocks lay BROWN eggs and the BROWN leghorns lay WHITE eggs. Love that!  Aren't they egg-ceptional?!  We may not have to dye easter eggs next time!

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