Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Trade Days Treasures...

As I said in my last post, amongst all the "junk" at Trade Days, there were a few treasures to be found. John Wesley is wanting to do some experimenting with cross breeding some of his chickens, so he was looking for a specific breed of chickens called Cochins. He found this pretty black rooster, and a nice buff (tan-colored) pair.

We also found the "Three Little Pigs." Our new little piglets are named "Bacon", "Sausage" and "Chops", in anticipation of their future er... occupations. They really are kind of cute, even if they are quite smelly, so we're all having to work really hard to not become overly fond of them.

For now they all fit together nicely in the abandoned dog house, but I don't imagine they will for long--at least I hope not!  I see full freezers and delicious, albeit a bit sad, breakfasts and dinners in our future.

Cody found a pretty white rabbit and two kittens to bring home.  The rabbit will be a mate for our black rabbit, Victoria.  I'm not sure what we'll do with the rabbit babies.  Perhaps we should name them all "Stew"--what do you think?  I'll have to show you the kittens another time since their picture turned out too blurry.  One's black and one's white, just like the rabbits.  Very cute--and FREE, of course! 

I never really thought of myself as a farm girl.  Never anticipated having pigs, for sure.  But we're all enjoying it, especially the kids.  Having so many animals definitely gives us lots of opportunities to teach and learn responsibility and stewardship.  It also provides me with lots of good opportunities to get out my camera and look at cute creatures.  So, I pass along my good fortune to you... Enjoy!

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