Thursday, October 15, 2009

The Seasons, They Are A'Changin'...

Here's the gorgeous view we are enjoying right now out our windows, which we can keep open most of the time. I LOVE this weather. There is no sweating and yet it's warm enough to not have to bundle up to go out.

Is this not the CUTEST little flower you've ever seen? It makes me think of the little buds that Denise Spencer used to bring to various folks on the Oneida campus in little miniature pill bottles. Lena brought this to me one day while we were out enjoying the weather one day.

We've got lots of beautiful bright red trees on our property. They are just vibrantly gorgeous during the fall.

I was so afraid I'd miss the colors changing being gone this past weekend. I was supposed to rain a lot and I was worried the raid would knock all the leaves off and we'd miss them. My favorite "weather day" of the whole year every year is the day that the leaves fall. It seems that the past 3 years or so, we've been able to point to one day when the leaves fell en masse. So heavy and thick they fell, like pepper flakes from a shaker, that I told the children to put away their books and go outside and play in the falling leaves. What a blessing to get to make those kinds of executive decisions for my family. Why should they be stuck inside when there is such beauty to experience first hand in God's creation on days like that?

Thankfully when we got back from Trade Days, things were only more beautiful than when we'd left. So now we wait for the day the leaves will fall. You can bet your bottom dollar that books will be put aside for a while and if you were a bird in one of our trees, you'd see children outside dancing and playing in the falling leaves.

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