Saturday, October 3, 2009

An Electrifying Experience...

Poor Gizmo!  He has no idea what hit him!  We worked for much of the day this past Monday putting up electric fencing for the goats.  We enclosed quite a large area for them, but Gizmo was having NONE of it!  He just knew if he stepped out of that shed (which is horribly over-exposed in that photo for some reason) that he'd be zapped again.  Poor guy.

Here's Charlie.  "Is it safe to come out?" he wonders.  I have to be honest here and tell you...While I am all for keeping the goats corralled, it did make me very sad to hear them squeal when they got zapped.  I had to go back inside.  I'm not sure I have what it takes.

This is the milking stanchion that John Wesley built for me.  He did an awesome job.  I printed the plans off for him, he made up his materials list for Lowe's, scoured our scrap pile for what he could use, and spent a few hours in Grandpa's shed working...and VOILA!  A milking masterpiece!  He's one talented dude, I tell ya'!  Cody and William are trying it out with Flip in these pictures.  She actually is still nursing Lily, her kid, sometimes.  So she did have a couple tablespoons to share with us.  Of course we didn't drink it, silly!  We won't be milking her as she's too far dry since Lily's so old already.  But when Stripe kids, we will definitely be making good use of the stanchion.

We're having fun with the goats.  They've been lots of fun for us so far, even if they are houdini's.  We're looking forward to goat's milk in a few months.  That is, IF we can keep them in the fence long enough!  They do seem to have developed a healthy respect for the fence, so I'm hopeful.

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