Saturday, July 24, 2010

Sweet Sisters...

My sweet girls!

Lena and MaKenzie disappeared back into their bedroom the other day and came out looking like this!  They had had a makeup the eye shdow and lipstick colors!

 I remember when I was little, I always thought I wished I had a sister--I had 3 brothers, but they were all much older than I and not very interested in a little punk sister tagging along.  But when my brothers were dating the girls who have become my sisters-in-law, the girls would bring their makeup bags to the house and give me mini-makeovers.  I loved that!

I'm so glad my girls have each other to play with.  They are forever playing "Doctor Katie" or some such imaginary game.  I know that having Lena to keep up with forces MaKenzie to work hard at her physical skills, too. 

A few weeks ago on Facebook (where else) my nieces were chatting back and forth and someone posted these words.  I'm not sure if they're lyrics or a poem, but I thought they were sweet.

"There were never such devoted sisters.

Never had to have a chaperone, no sir,

I'm there to keep my eye on her.

Caring, sharing

Every little thing that we are wearing...

All kinds of weather, we stick together;

The same in the rain and sun.

Two different faces, but in tight places,

We think and we act as one.

Those who've seen us know
That not a thing could come between us."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sweet! I've always wanted a sister myself, so I understand. By the way, the lyrics are from the musical "White Christmas" starring Bing Crosby - my FAVORITE holiday film! Check it out sometime :)