Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Chewy and Chewy...

This is Chewy, the goat who thinks he's human...

And this is Chewy, the boy who thinks he's a goat!

Chewy the goat, was Harold's surprise for John Wesley when we returned from Haiti.  He's a Nubian wether and he's got the sweetest personality.  He stands at our porch gate as if he's just waiting for someone to let him in.  And I do believe he'd be perfectly at home as a house goat.  Not that that's happening any time soon, just sayin'.

Chewy the boy, whose proper name is actually Matthew, got his nickname from his brother, Jared.  When Jared first learned to say "Matthew," it came out more as "Matt-chew."  So the "Chew" part stuck and we just added a "y" to the end.  And it's so very appropriate.  He chews EVERYTHING--food or non-food.  He's an equal opportunity chew-er.  

The day I took these pictures they had come face to muzzle over the porch gate and it occurred to me that I should document their similar but opposite tendencies just for the fun of it--and, of course, because they're both so darn cute!

1 comment:

Mrs. Adams said...

I'm lovin' the equal opportunity chew-er...LOL