Sunday, June 12, 2011

Garden Friends and Foes...

Cody and this cute little guy on his hat are definitely garden friends.
I'm not feeling the love for this not-so-little, nearly-transparent, grub-like creature I found in my broccoli, though.
I'm also not feeling so kindly toward these little green worms I found ON my broccoli. 
Clever of them to be EXACTLY the same shade of green as their food, isn't it?
The "Very Hungry Caterpillar" has nothing on my little green friends.  Well, really they're not my friends.  I flicked them off my plants into never-never land.  I'm sure they'll be back.  I'll be waiting.
Look at these itty-bitty bugs that were making lace of my eggplant leaves!  They are so tiny!  The holes they make are bigger than they are!  I'm not pleased with these guys either.
I'm no garden guru.  This is the first time I've ever even considered what might be competing with me for my food.  I think it's all going to come down to who's hungrier--me or them.  I'm fairly certain they might win.  We shall see.  For now I'm gonna do some research about organic pesticides.

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