Monday, April 18, 2011

Belated Birthday Dinner...

William's birthday was back at the beginning of the month.  When each of the kids has a birthday, part of the celebration is that they get to pick what we have for their special dinner. 
William wanted lobster.  We were going to take just him to Red Lobster, but we just decided it would be more fun to make it at home.  Not to mention that it was taking forever for us to figure out a time when we could go, since it's about 2 hours to the closest one.
So, we went to the grocery store and he picked out two that he thought looked good and we brought the stinky things home and cooked them.  I gladly let William do the honors of getting the lobsters in the pan!  They were still alive and uh...kicking when we took them out of the bag. 
Since they were pretty expensive, there was no way I was getting a lobster for each of us, so the boys thought it would be a good substitute to get a mess of crayfish.  To me they look like overgrown grasshoppers!
John Wesley took care of the crawfish.  And of course, what's a seafood dinner without some shrimp to dip?
Grandma & Grandpa came and she brought buttered, parsleyed potatoes.
Jonas baked some chicken nuggets for those of us who don't care for seafood.
And I fixed some garlic cheese biscuits, corn on the cob, and some butter sauce for dipping.
Then we ate it all up.  I have to admit it probably wasn't as good as Red Lobster, but it was way more fun to cook this meal in my kitchen with everybody contributing and doing the kitchen dance (trying to stay out of each others' way and dodge hot stuff as it comes out of the oven or off the stove) than to sit at a table waiting.
Matthew got a little tired of Daddy bugging him with the claw.
Jared wanted me to take his picture with the little claw on his nose, only the claw didn't really fit on his nose.  We pretended it did.
Then MaKenzie wanted me to do it to her.
This is all that was left of poor Bob the Lobster.  He's just a shell of a whatever.
Peace dude!
I think maybe she's told a few too many lies.

1 comment:

Angela Roberts said...

What a fun birthday celebration! Happy Belated Birthday, William! God bless you all!! Sounds like everyone had plenty of great food and fun.