Saturday, April 23, 2011

Another Birthday to Celebrate!

Happy 17th Birthday, Katy Lu!  Your much-too-short life continues to teach us, to impact ours in ways it might never have if you had stayed.  I have missed you in every family picture we have ever taken, but in your absence, you have made our family what it is.  Because of you, our family is full of faces that would not have been here if you had not changed our hearts.  In so many ways you ARE my every day, my every thought...a part of who I am and who we are as a family.  Thank you for coming, for imparting in your too-short stay what it takes a long lifetime for many to accomplish.  Our lives are so much richer, so much fuller because of the time we were blessed to share with you. 


Mrs. Adams said...

Her little life impacted even my young life....I remember very clearly every visit we made...I remember your incredible commitment....Being allowed to help with a few aspects of her care helped prepare me for things I would face as a mother....Hard to believe that was 17 years ago...We love you guys...thank you for being so strong, and such an example...

Anonymous said...

Through the years people could always identify with our loss, but they could never imagine the way that we would experience gain. ~ Harold

JPalmieri said...

I will never forget your Dad telling me about your family and how your angel had gotten her wings. Forever connected with the the excitement to meet her and see her playing with our Matthew.