Monday, August 16, 2010

A Hot Afternoon Alternative!!!

We're on vacation.  I'm sitting at the pool watching the kids and trying to update the blog at the same time.  The condo doesn't have any internet access, only here at the pool.  So....if there are lots of typo's, please try to understand...
It has been SOOO HOT!!!  Today has actually been much cooler, but GEEZ, the weekend was crazy hot!  Of course the kids want to be busy, but really, who wants to sit on the side of the pool when it's nearly 100 degrees out?  Not me.  So I decided to take the kids bowling yesterday!  Other than Wii bowling, it was their first time to bowl!  So MUCH FUN!!!  Here are a few pics...
I LOVED LOVED LOVED that they had this little ramp-y thingy for Jared to use!!!  He was having SOOOO much fun! 

Harold stayed back at the condo with MaKenzie and Matthew.  MaKenzie gave us a scare that morning.  She threw up and usually that means a hospital visit!  But, praise the Lord, she seemed better by the afternoon when we got back from bowling.
We're having a great time.  Cody and I have been out a few times on picture-taking expeditions.  Got a couple good shots of deer, but I'll have to post those another time.

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