Monday, August 23, 2010

I Just Love These Kids!!!

With a new school year upon us, I thought it was a good time to put up some new pictures of the kids.  They have all grown and changed so much lately.  A few of them are discovering new aspects of their personalities to explore, and I LOVE it!  What a privilege and blessing to watch them "BECOME" who God has made them.

John Wesley - 14
John Wesley is becoming a man before my eyes.  This is his first year of high school!  He is all about projects--mostly for his goats or chickens.  He's also all about HAITI!  Usually when I try to get a picture of him, I end up with a hand in the cameral lens.  So this may be all you see of him for awhile. 
3 words:  resourceful, compassionate, real.

Cody - 13
I love this picture of Cody!  This year he has discovered that he not only loves animals, but he also loves taking pictures of them!  If I need pest removal, he's always comes to my rescue!  He's also super sweet to ME!  I think I've finally convinced him that he looks GREAT with short hair!
3 words:  sweet, loyal, animal-lover

William - 12
Well, just the opposite of Cody, William has decided that his hair is great long!  We aren't sure when the curls appeared!  He used to have stick-straight hair!  ???  Anyway, he continues to LOVE his dogs and has decided he wants to do more work with the littler kids this year.  He's also saving up his money so he can go on a mission trip to Haiti when the time is right.  (He's praying that's REALLY SOON!)
3 words:  determined, committed, deeply-held-feelings (okay that's 5 words--sue me!)

Jonas - 11
Jonas has grown up so much in the past year.  He's taking on much more responsibility and he's making big strides in his overall "understanding."  He's also very affectionate and the first one to recognize when I need a hug.  Jonas is one of those kids who is a joy to parent because he is usually very willing to change his course when he realizes he's headed the wrong direction.  I hope he stays that way into his teen years!!!
3 words:  affectionate, growing, pliable

Lena - 8
This young lady is happy ALLLLL the time, I think.  She's not the least bit moody or pouty.  (Of course, I'm leaving plenty of time for that to change as she grows!  I'm sure it's coming.  For now I'm enjoying her consistent happiness!)  She is always willing (if not necessarily eager) to do any extra chores I give her.  She's my right hand girl.
3 words:  happy, helpful, steady

MaKenzie - 7
MaKenzie is MaKenzie!  She's my affectionate little cuddler.  Like her sister, she is rarely in a bad mood.  She comes running as soon as the dryer buzzer sounds to help me fold washcloths or whatever else she can help with.  She's the most determined little girl I know!
3 words:  affectionate, out-going, strong

Jared - 7
Jared is in LOVE with Thomas the Train right now!  (In fact, he gets to go see him IN PERSON in a few weeks and we're all SOOO excited for him!)  I'm having a bit of a hard time this year, because Jared is very clearly NOT a baby anymore.  He has been my baby for SOOOO long (evidenced by the fact that he's more than a little rotten), and now he's growing up.  Just ask my back....
3 words:  persistent, loud, fun-loving

Matthew - 7
This sweet boy continues to wiggle his way deep into our hearts.  He has SUCH a personality and he is ALWAYS happy.  He very clearly understands all the GOOD things about life, like the fact that God gave little boys Grandmas and Grandpas so they could spoil them.  Matthew is showing understanding of a few simple words and concepts, which is HUGE!  His favorite thing on earth is the sippy cup!
3 words:  precious, mischievous, smiley   

That's my crew in a nutshell.  I LOVE being their Momma, although I will admit the weight of responsibility weighs heavy at times on my heart.  But I know they aren't only Harold's and mine, they are God's, and He will provide and guide us all.

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