Sunday, August 8, 2010

The Budding Nature Photographer...

Cody has taken to carrying a camera in a little case on a clip attached to his belt.  See, here on his hip...I tease him that he's the "gadget guy."
In his camera case, he keeps his camera (an old Kodak digital, something like 4 megapixels or something), some fishing line, and a couple of hooks (just in case we happen to be near a body of water).  During the few weeks he's been carrying it, he's managed to get a few really sweet shots.  He has always had a really great eye for seeing things in nature (or even inside the house) that the rest of us don't see.  In fact, he's got such a great eye, that he's my official "finder."  If I'm ever looking for something, he's the one I call.     
Here's a cute little turtle he found...
and an interesting lizard...
and a looooong snake (nearly 4 feet long!) that he and John Wesley found slithering around our compost pile... 

and this spotty guy...
how about this gorgeous sunset he captured...
and this masked bandit he had nearly eating out of his hand...
and here is his version of the sunflower and butterfly I took a picture of for my last post...
I love seeing things through his "lens."  I was nosing around the pictures on his camera and ALLLL of them were of animals, the garden, or some aspect of nature.  I think it's pretty safe to say he's a nature lover.  As if there was any doubt.

Cody for sure has the gift of seeing and appreciating all the beauty in nature.  I can't wait to see how God uses that in his life in the future!

1 comment:

Mrs. Adams said...

Beautiful!!! What a great post!!!! I really really love sunflowers so of course that is my favorite....LOL Great Job Cody!!!