Sunday, March 20, 2011

Morning On The Farm...

Last Saturday morning, we just KNEW that Flip was going to finally have her kids.  Alas...we spent about 4 hours outside and no kids...  However, we did get to enjoy the absolutely FABULOUS spring weather!  So, all was not lost.   Here are a few snippets of our morning.
 Baby goats doing what all babies do...wallering their momma to death!
 Quack quack!
 Don't all 9 year old girls nap on their 4-wheeler while waiting for their goat to give birth????
 Are you scared yet?
 You should be now!
 I'm just sharing this one cause I love the pattern of this chicken's feathers.  Her name is "Party."
 Guineas are strange-looking creatures aren't they?
 Yes, as a matter of fact, those sunglasses ARE pink.  You gotta problem with that?  I didn't think so!
 NOT sharing...  This little chick got her first juicy worm today.  YUM!
 Takin' her babies out for a stroll...
Matthew lovin' on the new baby... 
 They call him eagle eye...
 The guys...
 Jared not squeezing the chick to death!
 Kenzie (and the chicken) visiting the new momma...
 What a handsome dude!
 My sweet little farm girl.
My sweet farm BOY helping his sister across the boards to see the goats. it turns out...this WAS the day Flip had her kid.  Only one.  But she waited until we were all engrossed in other activities.  I was on the phone when one of the kids ran in and told us all to come quick.  Sure enough.  We all got settled in to our chairs outside the goat pen (and some of us INSIDE the goat pen) just in time to tune into our favorite channel, Farm TV.  Today's special was a documentary on "birthing kids."  It doesn't get much more educational than that!  That'll be the next post...maybe.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Could we see the rerun on FARM TV of the goat birth?