Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Happy Birthday, Cody...

Is it possible that you are REALLY fourteen years old?  Have I truly already loved you so long?  It seems like yesterday you were that chubby baby boy that I loved with all my heart even without the 9 months of preparation.  You've had my heart since the first minute I held you.  You have grown into such a sweet young man, and I am so proud of you.
Today was supposed to be Harold's Christmas dinner for work.  Mom and I were going to be cooking for everyone and I had planned to pick up cake and ice cream while we were in town.  That plan fell through when we discovered we wouldn't be going in town because of the weather. 
Since we wouldn't be getting cake and ice cream from town, Cody decided he wanted me to make my chocolate mayonnaise cake with powdered sugar instead of icing and some snow cream.  Cody decided to color the snow cream blue and yellow.  (I guess he's never heard the warning about not eating yellow snow!)   Mom and Dad came over and we had a sweet simple birthday party celebrating the privilege of living life with this boy we all love so much. 

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