Sunday, December 26, 2010

Happy 15th Birthday!

I can scarcely believe this eldest son of mine is already 15 years old.  But sometimes, I have a hard time believing that he's ONLY 15.  Some of the things he says teach *me* and I'm supposed to be the one teaching him.

A generous heart.
A concern for the poor.
A heart for Haiti.
A love for his brothers and sisters ( know, MOST of the time).
Concern for his environment.
Knowledge of and love for his animals.
Respect for those who are different.
A helpful spirit.
The ability to argue pursuasively.  (I'm counting this as a good thing...God CAN use it.)  :)

I am beyond blessed to be this boy's young man's Momma.  I can't wait to see what God does with his life.  Happy Birthday, John Wesley!

1 comment:

Catherine said...

Happy Birthday, John Wesley! Congrats on being an Othello Master.

Lori, here's the mill I told you about:

See you Friday.