Saturday, July 4, 2009

Miscellaneous Details on the Fourth of July...

Meet Domino... She is the fourth (yes, as in 1,2,3,4!!!) dog (puppy) in our family . Her name had to start with a "D", since the other dogs are "A"nna, "B"rownie and "C"hip. How quickly puppies grow! When we came home from vacation, she was only around a week old; her eyes were still not open, and now she's running around and so playful!

Just for the record, Michelle Obama's arms might be strong and sexy, but they have NOTHING on MaKenzie's! I tried to get a shot that shows the detail of her muscles, but she thought I wanted to see her forearms. Let me tell you, this girl is ripped--at least on the left side!
Cody, my flower deliverer, picked me this beautiful bouquet today. I love it! I was so happy to have a great excuse to use this vase we got on vacation. We bought it on an Indian reservation right outside of the Grand Canyon. I love how "imperfect" it is. A lot like me!

I think Brownie is trying to decide whether she's a dog or a cat. I guess maybe that's the animal kingdom's version of gender issues??? I dunno'! She sure got her leg torn up in a fight with Anna and Chip at the beginning of the week! John Wesley (she's his dog) and I had to take her to the vet. She is so protective of her pup. I can so identify with this dog! :) It's not popular to protect your offspring--in the animal or human world. Many times you take a few "knocks" for it from those who don't understand. It's a necessary evil I'm willing to encounter.
Our Fourth of July was mostly rainy. The kids spent the better part of the day playing in the pool. Pretty low key. We'll do firecrackers and all that good stuff tomorrow evening over at the Mills'.

Hope everyone had a great holiday!

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