Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Happy Happenings on the Homestead...

This is how the kids spent our Fourth of July over at the Mills'. They played Guitar Hero on the Wii. William and Lena are singing, Mandy (Markquettia's youngest daughter) is playing the drums, and Jonas is on guitar. They're singing "Eye of the Tiger"--you know, the song from Rocky, way back when? Everything old is new again.
Lena was trying to replace the batteries in her game. MaKenzie leaned over and asked her what that was. In all her vast sisterly wisdom, Lena replied, "Well, it's the whatchamajigger." And that was the end of that conversation. MaKenzie understood perfectly and went on to the next subject.
Have you been to Cody's Rock Shop? You're sure to find just that item you've been looking for! He's a shrewd businessman though. Even Mammaw had to pay! No freebies here. This is where Lena spends every penny she finds laying around the house! I think it's hilarious!!!!

Cody found a frog and MaKenzie got up close & personal with it. Actually, MaKenzie's on one side of our glass door & the frog is on the other. This picture makes me laugh.
John Wesley got his top braces on Tuesday. He looks handsome! He's a little sore and we've already had one of the brackets pop off. They can't see him until NEXT WEEK!!! I can't believe that. Oh, well.
I'm going to leave you with one of my favorite pictures from the bunch Mom gave me. This is Cookie, Chuck and me on Halloween, circa 1986. Fun, huh?

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1 comment:

Connie said...

Love the update info on how the kids are doing and what they are doing. Of course, I love the frog/McKenzie picture!!! And the halloween one!! What a hoot!