Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Celebrating 50 Golden Years...

This past Saturday, we celebrated Mom & Dad's 50th wedding anniversary. How awesome! I am blessed to have had wonderfully amazing parents. How many people in the world there must be who would happily trade places with my brothers and me in half a second? I don't say this out of any kind of pride, rather from experience. If the years I spent at Oneida and then the subsequent years I've spent as a foster/adoptive parent have taught me nothing else, I have learned that if you have a stable, loving home life as a child, you are very blessed--and I was.

So, we celebrated. 50 years is definitely something to celebrate in today's world!

One of the entry tables held beautiful flowers that Kay sent, along with a few nifty fifty-year-old pictures....
Plenty of food on the snack table. Juanita brought a chocolate fountain--YUM!
A picture of the "Bridal Party" table...50 years later! There is Aunt Barb, but somehow, Uncle Paul didn't make it into the picture...hmmm wonder if that was on purpose? Mom & Dad really enjoyed having their friends & family in from New York! It was very sweet of them to make the trip down.
This cute little one is Amy, the youngest of the Smith great-grandchildren, with her Daddy, Aaron, Jennifer's husband. Aaron's going to be ordained as a minister this coming Saturday, and then they are going to be starting a new church plant.
Jamie, Jennifer, Juanita, and Cody (Jamie's husband) sang, as did Chuck, who made us all cry. The background music was all quartet music, which Dad & Mom enjoy.
And here they are cutting the cake. Chuck did the cool posters of them that you see in the picture above and below this paragraph. Juanita decorated the cake--isn't it gorgeous?

And here is Mrs. Carolyn, who works harder than any five people put together. She had it all under control!
What a fun day! Friends from Oneida and family from Prestonsburg, as well as folks from their current church family helped us celebrate along with "the brothers" and their families. Gee, do we have to wait another 50 years to do this again?

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

God could not have given me better in-laws. I don't consider them that anyway. They are truly great friends. They are such a blessing to have next door to us now. They are both such help in more ways than I could ever say. Home, Family, Church and caregivers for this mans crazy family. Thank You both for all you do, mainly behind the scenes, however I know God up above sees everything you do and knows your hearts, and oh how He must be so pleased!

Thanks again for all you do and for who you are. I pray God will continue to bless you two for many more years!

Love you two!

Your favourite son-in-law,
