Monday, May 17, 2010

Lots of Pictures...

Sorting through my pictures online I came across a folder of pictures from 2003 or so. I found picture of all the kids, except Matthew, of course; he wasn't here yet.
  Here is a sweet picture of my "twins" MaKenzie and Jared...
and here's my sweet blue-eyed Lena...
my handsome Jonas...
my intense and loving William...
my precious Cody...
and my beautiful John Wesley.  My goodness, where has the time gone????
Here's a picture Jared took the other day when he got ahold of my camera while I was on the porch for 1/2 a second.  Just thought I'd share.
Lena learned to ride the 4-wheeler this week.  That was a bit scary for me, I must say...  But she did absolutely great.  John Wesley stood out there with her, instructing her.  He set up a course for her to follow and made sure she was safe.  Loved that.  Sometimes they are actually nice to each other, those kids of mine...
We dissected a shark at homeschool group last week.  For some reason, all I can think of when I see this picture is the shark in "Finding Nemo" who says "Fish are friends, not food."
I just love how they get into these activities.  We all learn so much.
It was especially cool finding baby sharks inside the mommas.
The chicks we bought at trade days are getting big.  We've moved them out to a bigger area and they are doing great!
John Wesley's chicks (that belong to John and Erma) are growing right up as well.  I love their little afros!  You can't look at these little guys without giggling; least I can't.  :)
John Wesley and I are getting ready to go on our mission trip to Haiti.  I'm starting to get just a little nervous about flying and all, but we are both really excited.  I've been putting off packing, but it's getting too close now to put off much longer!  I hope you will all pray for us as we are preparing to go and while we're gone!

1 comment:

Mrs. Adams said...

Those chicks look like an 80's punk group...LOL....I loved the photos....that shark is your family. :)