As many of you may remember, last year in May, John Wesley went on a mission trip to Haiti. I really wanted to go last year, but basically found lots of reasons (excuses) why I couldn't go. A few weeks ago, it was announced that our church would be sending another group to Haiti this year. John Wesley loved the trip last year so much he decided he wanted to go again this year, and I decided that it was time to get over my excuses and so I'm going to be going with him. I'm so excited (and nervous)! We'll be going with a group of about 12-15 people (mostly from our church) to a rural area of Haiti about an hour or so from Port Au Prince.

This is a picture of John Wesley last year. I believe they were building benches for the church. They also worked on building an orphanage and did a free medical clinic. This year our group will again be working on the orphanage some I think, as well as possibly holding a clinic. We'll also do some VBS-type Bible school activities with the children who live in the community, and whatever else the organization we are partnering with puts on the agenda.
(This is another picture taken during last year's trip to Haiti. Obviously the date on the picture is wrong.)
I told Harold tonight that I'm a little nervous about going, because as I was filling out some of the paperwork, it asked me to list any skills that I possess that would be helpful. I came up with a great big DUH moment as I realized, I don't really have any. I'm not a carpenter. I'm not a nurse. I don't speak Creole. I don't have any obvious ministry-type gifts. So I've been just praying that God would take the (seemingly useless in Haiti) gifts and talents I DO have (I can wash a pretty mean dish and change a diaper in no time flat!) and allow me to use them for His glory while we are there. I have such a burden for Haiti, and I know that God places in our hearts burdens for the things He wants us to do, so I feel a peace about going, I'm just very interested to see how God will use me there. After all, God doesn't call the equipped; He equips the called. I do feel called to Haiti, so I'm believing that He will equip me for the things He has for me to do there.
So, for those of you who read here, would you please pray for John Wesley and for me and the rest of the crew who will be travelling with us in May? Pray that we would be the hands and feet of Jesus to the people of Haiti while we are there. Pray that we will find abilities and talents that we didn't even know we had and that we will use them completely for the furtherance of His kingdom. Pray for provision in the area of finances and supplies. Pray for safety and health. Pray that God would go before us and prepare the hearts of the folks we will encounter. Thank you so much.
1 comment:
That is wonderful that you and John Wesley will both be going! We will pray for you and all involved in the mission trip.
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