Wednesday, June 27, 2012

A pressing question...

This morning Lena came to me with a pressing question about her school assignment.  (Yes, we are doing school IN THE SUMMER.  But you know those gorgeous FALL days?  That's when we play outside if we want, or travel with Daddy, or go on fun adventures, or...or...or...)  Anyway, I digress.  I could tell the girl was vexed by this troubling conundrum.
With a puzzled expression, she queried, "What exactly is an encyclopedia?"  And I had myself a good laugh.  I proceeded to tell my children a story, which began with the words, "Once upon a time, long long ago, before the days of Google, there was this collection of books called an encyclopedia..."  Of course it muddied the waters when I explained that if you wanted to research "The Amazon," you would look in Volume A.  Because, of course, we all know that Amazon only exists online, right?  :)  After finding a better example, I could tell that her mind was greatly relieved.  I sent her on her merry way with my iPad to research the subject on Google, the modern child's encyclopedia.

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