Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Presenting Precious Potbelly Piglets

Today, the long awaited blessed event came to pass.
Wilburta had her piglets.
It was an all-day "thing."
We pulled up our chairs and enjoyed the show, just like good rednecks should.
Let me tell you this...I know for a fact I shall never cease to be amazed by God's perfect, creative, miraculous design for LIFE.  See those piglet toenails?  They have this wet rubbery texture so that they don't break through the sac while they're inside their momma.  Isn't that amazing?
Furthermore, they can literally find the teat for nursing within less than 2 minutes of being born.  Wilburta knew what to do.  The piglets knew what to do.  The instincts they are equipped with are amazing.
Now, keeping them all alive once they're born and beginning to thrive is another matter.  Wilburta had 6 piglets altogether.  One died shortly after it was born and the other was born dead.  And then  a couple hours after they were born, Wilburta laid on one, suffocating it.  So we have 3 little pigs.  A black one and 2 pinks.  They are stinkin' adorable!  (Hmmm...I'm thinking "stinkin'" is an appropriate adjective for a piglet!)
The plan, since Wilburta is not a princess (seeing as she can't feel the piglets under her when she lays down), is that we will keep the piglets separate from her, except for feeding times every couple hours.  For feedings, we'll deliver them to her and wait for them to finish, then take them back to their cozy little spot where no one will lay on them.  I have a feeling we will be tired soon.  And we will look for another way to keep these little cuties alive.  But for now, we don't know what other options there are.  We will read and research and ask around.  Until then, we'll be tired...and tied to the house and pigyard.  So much for our orthodontist appointment tomorrow in Lexington.  I can hear my conversation with the receptionist now.  "Hello?  Yes, I need to reschedule my sons' appointments.  Yeah, we just had piglets.  Can you schedule us for, oh, about 6 weeks from now, when they're weaned?"