Friday, June 4, 2010

Ministry in Haiti...

On Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, our pastors, Jason and Darrell, held a pastor's conference for about 15 pastors who are serving in the Haitian churches surrounding Lance and Mona's area.  Many of them walked quite a ways (up to 2 hours or more) to attend these meetings.
On Monday, part of our crew headed up the mountain to the village of Boucan, where Hope in the Light has their school and orphanage.  Here the group did some VBS-type activities with the school children after they finished their school work for the day. 
It is so incredible to see this school.  As you see in the picture, it is 6 classrooms under three tarps.  The students sit at rough desks and the teachers have no fancy materials with which to teach their lessons.  It's teachers, students, and a few books.  There is no air conditioning; there is no cafeteria; there is no teacher's lounge; and there is NO COMPLAINING!  The children are well-behaved and the teachers are professional and expect the best of their students.  (Here's a picture of John Wesley demonstrating a craft for the kids.)
On this morning, several of the members of our team (including John Wesley) had WALKED up the mountain instead of riding.  It took them 4--yes, FOUR hours to walk.  It was nearly straight uphill the majority of the way.  The interesting thing is that the man who walked with them (a Haitian man) walks this every day to get to work--and it only takes him a little over an hour!  I'm telling you what--these are hard-working, strong people!
On Wednesday, some of the men went back up the hill to work on painting the orphanage, while the rest of us held a mini-VBS for the children who lived in Lance and Mona's neighborhood.  We had around 20-25 there I believe.  There was a Bible story, crafts, a snack and other activities.  Here are two of the three littlest ones that I got to play with during this time.  Aren't they gorgeous????

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